Thursday, August 20, 2009

Charity Kisses

Speaking of "Free Gifts", as we perused the Fall fashion & beauty "bibles", we noticed that Lucky Magazine, Dior, and Lord & Taylor have all teamed up with the charity "Look Good, Feel Better". What could be better than finding a good make-up deal than supporting a good charity!

Look Good, Feel Better is "a free, non-medical, brand-neutral, national public service program created to help individuals with cancer look good, improve their self-esteem, and manage their treatment and recovery with greater confidence."

When you purchase a lipstick or lipgloss from the Dior counter at "L&T", Lucky will donate a portion of the proceeds to Look Good, Feel Better and you get a FREE (our FAVE word) mini-gloss (perfect for your on-the-go cosmetic bag).

Credits: Lucky Magazine (Conde Nast Digital); Look Good, Feel Better; Lord & Taylor; Parfums Christian Dior, Société Anonyme

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Free Gift" Fab

You may have wondered "Hey, what happend? Where'd you go?" due to the lack of new posts. The bad news? We had an unexpected emergency to deal with that required our utmost attention. The good news? "Crisis Averted" - we are back in full swing and sincerely thank you for your loyalty and patience.

On an un-GGF related note, we encourage you all (and your family members) to take your health seriously. Looking good on the outside means nothing if you look a hot mess on the inside!

During our time away, we had plenty of time to get caught up on the respective Fall fashion and beauty "bibles" that have hit the 'stands. We are VERY excited about the deliciously rich fall make-up colors and products!

One of the best ways to keep your beauty arsenal "fresh & current" is to take advantage of the "Free Gift with Purchase" specials and "Clearance" sales retailers run to move summer products out and usher fall products in. No time like the present to get your arsenal up to date!

Of the various "Free Gift with Purchase" specials, we really liked this one from Estee Lauder at Lord & Taylor:

What makes us love this set is the fact that (unlike most), you actually get to pick from select products in the : "Wrinkle Reduction" and "Prevention" product lines (respectively). This set also lets you choose from two eyeshadow pallets that contain eight (as opposed to the usual four) eyeshadows! Most "Free Gifts" simply stick you with a pre-assembled package that contains one or two products you'll actually use.

Credits: Estee Lauder, Inc., Lord & Taylor.